Sunday, December 29, 2019

Phonaesthetics (Word Sounds)

In language studies, phonaesthetics is the study of the positive (euphonious) and negative (cacophonous) sounds of letters, words, and combinations of letters and words. Also spelled phonesthetics.  Ã‚   Linguist David Crystal defines  phonaesthetics  as the study of the aesthetic properties of sound, especially the sound symbolism attributable to individual sounds, sound clusters or sound types. Examples include the implication of smallness in the close vowels of such words as teeny  weeny, and the unpleasant associations of the consonant cluster /sl-/ in such words as slime, slug and slush (A Dictionary of Language, 2001).   Etymology From the Greek  phÃ… nÄ“aisthÄ“tikÄ“,   voice-sound    aesthetics Examples and Observations Sound Quality (Timbre) We speak of words as soft, smooth,   rough, sonorous, harsh, guttural, explosive.  About individual words not much can be said--even about cellar-door, which is reputed to be one of the most beautiful-sounding words in our language. With a sequence of words, especially one that shapes itself into a meaningful sentence or line of verse, the sound becomes more determinate and controlled. The still, sad music of humanity(Wordsworth, Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey) naturally calls for a grave and quiet reading.   The sound-quality of a discourse is, then, a regional quality that depends in part upon the qualities of its words and also upon [sound-similarity and sound-pattern].(Monroe C. Beardsley,  Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism, 2nd ed. Hackett, 1981) Phonaesthetics and the Adopted Names of Actors Quite a few actors have changed their names simply because they didnt like the one they already had...There is a tendency for men to avoid gentle continuant sounds, such as m and l, when looking for new names, and to go in for the hard-sounding plosive consonants, such as k and g. Maurice Micklewhite became Michael Caine, Marion Michael Morrison became John Wayne, Alexander Archibald Leach became Cary Grant, Julius Ullman became Douglas Fairbanks.Women tend to go the other way. Dorothy Kaumeyer became Dorothy Lamour. Hedwig Kiesler became Hedy Lamarr. Norma Jean Baker became Marilyn Monroe.Actually, Roy Rogers is a bit weak, compared with most cowboy names. Cowboys tend to be full of plosives and short vowels--Bill, Bob, Buck, Chuck, Clint, Jack, Jim, Like, Tex, Tom, Billy the Kid, Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill Hickok, Kit Carson. Roy doesnt quite explode from the lips in the same way. His horse, Trigger, actually does rather better.These are only tendencies, of course. There are plenty of exceptions.(David Crystal, By Hook or by Crook: A Journey in Search of English. Overlook Press, 2008) Phonaesthetics and Nicknames [N]icknames incorporate more pleasant and gentle sounds than full names for both men and women. One reason for this is the [i:] ending characteristic of so many nicknames (Nicky, Billy, Jenny, Peggy). Crystal (1993) noted the distinctly masculine characteristics of the nickname Bob. Bob is easy for children to pronounce because its repeated , [b], is mastered early (Whissell 2003b).  Phonaesthetically, [b] is an unpleasant sound and the central vowel of the name is active and cheerful. Bob is, therefore, a prototypical masculine nickname, both in terms of the phonaesthetic system employed here and in terms of Crystals criteria. DeKlerk and Bosch (1997) argue for the importance  of phonaesthetics in the assignment of nicknames, and point to the positive social intent of name-givers as a main concomitant of this assignment.​  (Cynthia Whissell, Choosing a Name: How Name-Givers Feelings Influence Their Selections.  The Oxford Handbook of the Word, ed.  John R. Taylor. O xford University Press, 2015) Phonesthesia and Brand Names The loose association of  phonesthesia, applied to bigger chunks of sound, are ... the source of an unignorable trend in brand names  ...​Previously, companies named their brands after their founders (Ford, Edison, Westinghouse), or with a descriptor that conveyed their immensity (General Motors, United Airlines, U.S. Steel), or by a portmanteau that identified a new technology (Microsoft, Instamatic, Polavision), or with a metaphor or metonym connoting a quality they wished to ascribe (Impala, Newport, Princess, Trailblazer, Rebel).  But today they seek to convey a je ne sais quoi using faux-Greek and  Latinate neologisms built out of  word fragments that are supposed to connote certain  qualities without allowing people to put their finger on what they are. . . . Acura--accurate? acute? What does that have to do with a car? Verizon--a veritable horizon? Does it mean that good phone service will recede into the distance forever? Viagra--virility? vigor? viable? Ar e we supposed to think it will make a man ejaculate like Niagara Falls? The most egregious example is the renaming of the Philip Morris parent company as  Altria, presumably to switch its image from bad people who sell addictive carcinogens to a place or state marked by altruism and other lofty values.  (Steven Pinker, The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window Into Human Nature. Viking, 2007)Certainly, euphony should be a consideration in choosing a brand name. Lamolay sounds better than Tarytak for a toilet paper even though it has the same number of letters.  (John OShaughnessy,  Consumer Behaviour: Perspectives, Findings and Explanations. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) Sound and Sense [T]he poet ... knows when the sound is carrying his sense, even if he doesnt know why. In creating his names and his verse, [J. R. R.] Tolkien was exercising both skills, in pursuit of what he called phonaesthetic pleasure (Letters  176).To illustrate, lets turn back  to our abandoned palato-velars. The phonaesthetics of the post-liquid palato-velar is a thing of beauty. It captured the heart of a young Texas poet  with the unlikely name of Tom Jones when he was in college, and he ï ¬ lled a whole song with them, which became the opening song of The Fantasticks, the longest running musical in the history of the New York stage. The song was called Try to Remember. The refrain was the single word we have looked at in its transformation from Old to Modern English: follow, follow, follow.  In each  stanza Jones crammed  as many of the mutated-liquid words he could: first mellow, yellow, fellow, then willow, pillow, billow, and then follow and hollow, finally ending where th e song began with mellow. . . .Tolkien does not incorporate quite  so many of these mutated palatovelar words in any one place, but the mention of the word willow should signal to  any Tolkien reader where I am going next: to the old Willowman of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and The Old Forest chapter of The Lord of the Rings ...(John R. Holmes, Inside a Song: Tolkiens  Phonaesthetics.  Middle-Earth Minstrel: Essays on Music in Tolkien, ed. by Bradford Lee Eden. McFarland, 2010)   An Alternative View: Noisiness Many of those who have written about the topics of iconicity, sound symbolism, phonaesthetics  and phonosemantics write as though to unfold the latent surplus of meaning contained in certain sounds, letters or groups of letters. But iconic language is in the literal sense idiotic, speaking the idiom of the blindly singular, of purely accidental and idiomatic noise. It may well be that certain clusters of sounds seem charged with certain kinds of meaningfulness--i seems to connote littleness, gl- seems to be associated with light, and gr- with irascibility--but the way these sounds work is by first signifying, not particular sound-qualities, but an abstract quality of noisiness as such--the sound of just sounding.(Steven Connor,  Beyond Words: Sobs, Hums, Stutters and Other Vocalizations. Reaktion Books, 2014)      Monty Python and the Lighter Side of Phonaesthetics When the Pythons are not making words and names take on new meanings, they are likely commenting upon the inherent qualities of words themselves. One fine example appears in the Woody and Tinny Words sketch (ep. 42), in which an upper-middle-class family voice their opinions regarding the pleasure (or displeasure) derived simply from saying and hearing various words. For fun, try to see which of the following words sound woody (confidence building!) and which sound tinny (dreadful): SET ONE: gorn, sausage, caribou, intercourse, pert, thighs, botty, erogenous, zone, concubine, loose women, ocelot, wasp, yowlingSET TWO: newspaper, litterbin, tin, antelope, seemly, prodding, vacuum, leap, bound, vole, recidivist, tit, Simkins* The euphony or cacophony of words (what the Oxbridge scholars in Python--and probably Gilliam, too, why not?--would have known as phonaesthetics, the study of positive and negative sounds in human speech) may lead users to project certain connotations upon individual words (Crystal, 1995, 8-12). Such phonaesthetic connotative projection devolves, in this skit, into a practically visible form of mental masturbation, wherein the father (Chapman) must be doused with a bucket of water to be calmed down after cogitating upon too many woody sounding words. As he sagely notes, ... its a funny thing ... all the naughty words sound woody.  Its a theory not entirely without justification (the understanding of how linguistic connotations are often derived from sounds, not the masturbatory powers of individual words! Bloody pervert.)* Answer key: set one woody: set two tinny(Brian Cogan and Jeff Massey, Everything I Ever Needed to Know About _____ I Learned From Monty Python. Thomas Dunne B ooks, 2014)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Montessori vs. Piaget Essay - 1477 Words

Maria Montessori’s Theory Vs. Jean Piaget’s Theory Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget are two educational philosophers whose theories are still being used and influence today’s educational system. Their theories and methods were revolutionary for their times, but they came to be greatly respected. Both of these theorist developed their own stages of child development and were able to base education on these stages. Although in many ways Piaget and Montessori were very similar in their thinking they were also very different in their teaching approaches. Piaget and Montessori are two main players in the early childhood education field and based most of their ideas on their observations of children. Maria Montessori was†¦show more content†¦In order for the child to be independent the tools and materials must be accessible, reachable, and child-sized in order for the child to be completely independent from adult assistance. At this time there was no market for child-sized tools and materials, therefore, Maria had to make her own tools for the children. Maria Montessori felt that classrooms should be orderly with a label and place for everything this will help the children to learn responsibility for returning things to the rightful place. Maria felt that if adults continue to serve children and clean up after them the children will never learn to be completely independent of adult interference. Maria developed three stages of children’s development based on her knowledge and observations. The first stage is the stage of the ‘absorbent mind’, which is from birth to 6 years of age. This stage is when the child is exploring his/her environment, absorbing information, and creating their concepts of reality. The second stage is from 6 to 12 years of age; this is when the child is using skills learned in the first stage. During this stage the child is reinforcing and expanding the skills learned in the previous stage. Maria’s final stage of child development is from 12 to 18 ye ars of age. This is when the adolescent comprehends social roles and trying to find their place in society. Jean Piaget was born in 1896 I Switzerland. Jean Piaget was a scientist at a very early age and published his work asShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Eriksons Theory On Early Childhood Education1212 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Jean Piaget once asked, â€Å"Are we forming children who are only capable of learning what is already known?† With there being so many theoriest whose research and ideas have made an impact on early childhood education. Knowing the teoriests and the ideas that they had is vital in the education profession. Erik Erikson Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidenceRead MoreProgressive Education Essay1318 Words   |  6 Pages(So whats Montessori and Piaget?). Organizing the confines of the daily classroom around hands on activities better allows for a child to choose what he wants to do and for how long he would like to do the activity based on varied attention span. Educational philosopher, Marie Montessori was a strong advocate for such learning, particularly for children under age three who have a strong interest in learning through the use of movement and verbal play (So whats Montessori and Piaget?). John DeweyRead MoreChild Development And The Building Of A House Essay912 Words   |  4 Pagesopens their eyes. I believe that learning is not a passive action that happens as a body grows. Children are active participants in the scheme of learning. This belief coincides strongly with the Constructivist theory supported by Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori and Lev Vygotsky. Constructivists believe that learning is the result of interaction with peers and the environment (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory). Most people consider learning the endeavor of schools. However for childrenRead MoreThe For An Overly Structured Environment Essay2439 Words   |  10 Pagesof our young learners! Montessori school’s have very a specific framework that the daily activities and environments are the classroom’s are based on. Some of the most beautiful and well thought out classroom environments are those of our Montessori classrooms. As a Montessori teacher, I have the responsibility of providing your child, my student, with wonderful hands on experiences, life skills and materials for them to learn with. I strongly agree with the Montessori belief that our studentsRead MoreEarly Years Education10897 Words   |  44 Pagesinductive inference; category based (making generalisations which assume that members of the same category share the same properties.) and similarity based (Making generalisations based on perceived similarities and differences.). Child Rearing- Nature vs. Nurture There is a huge debate on whether human characteristics are learnt or are they innate. We can see that what is innate comes from our genes and what is learnt come for the environment It is unlikely that the features of our brain and behaviourRead MoreEarly Years Education10882 Words   |  44 Pagesinductive inference; category based (making generalisations which assume that members of the same category share the same properties.) and similarity based (Making generalisations based on perceived similarities and differences.). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Literary Analysis Essay Free Essays

Literary Analysis: Outline This worksheet must be TYPED. Bring your completed worksheet (along with the O’Connor short stories) to class with you on Tuesday 11/27. Note: Page 1 of this outline provides a sample outline of the thesis statement and ONE paragraph from the online sample Literary Analysis Essay. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Complete pages 2-3 of this worksheet for class on Tues 11/27. Thesis Statement (one sentence that sums up your specific interpretation of the story): In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† the narrator must go mad in order to â€Å"free† the woman trapped in the wallpaper and escape the oppressive patriarchal control of her husband and society. Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Gilman’s unnamed narrator is locked in an old nursery in order to help remedy her depression, an illness her physician husband refuses to take seriously, dismissing it as a â€Å"temporary nervous depression—a slight hysterical tendency† (Gilman 437). A. Evidence from Primary text 1. ) Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): †¢ The narrator writes in secret, attempting to find a creative outlet for her feelings; she doesn’t want to be locked up †¢ John dismisses her desire to write as â€Å"a nervous weakness†¦sure to lead to all manner of excited fancies† (Gilman 442) 2. ) Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): †¢ He refuses to take her feelings and thoughts seriously, dismissing her as weak, childish, and hysterical, adjectives clearly aligned with women and femininity. The narrator, because she is a woman, is granted no recourse against her doctor-husband and begins to see another woman trapped in the room with her, creeping behind the wallpaper. B. Support from secondary text 1. ) Relevant Detail or quotation †¢ Elizabeth Ammons, â€Å"Biographical Echoes in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’†: â€Å"The priso ner of a charming man and an ugly empty domestic life that she cannot escape† (page 454). 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): †¢ Regardless of her own wants and desires, the narrator is effectively a prisoner of her husband, a man who becomes more and more sinister as the story progresses. Complete the following outline for your Literary Analysis essay. Outlines are due in class on Tuesday 11/27. I. Thesis Statement: II. Body paragraph 1 Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): A. Evidence from primary text 1. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation) 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence) B. Support from secondary source 1. Support from an article (relevant detail and/or quotation) 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence) III. Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation) A. Evidence from primary text 1. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation) 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence) B. Support from secondary source 1. Support from an article (relevant detail and/or quotation) 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence) IV. Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation) A. Evidence from primary text 1. Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation) 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence) B. Support from secondary source 1. Support from an article (relevant detail and/or quotation) 2. Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence) How to cite Literary Analysis Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

20th Century Drama Coursework Essay Example For Students

20th Century Drama Coursework Essay This essay analyses the procedures used by J.B. Priestley in this play. It will pay close attention to which dramatic devices and structures Priestley utilizes. J.B. Priestley uses a cunning technique to conclude the play. He deceives the reader by installing several false endings. This keeps the audience actively engaged and creates a tense atmosphere.  There is great disparity between the inauguration of the play and the closing stages. At the start, the Birling family is rejoicing due to the engagement between Gerald and Sheila. We know this as stage directions and expressions show genuine joy, Sheilas father, Mr Birling, declares This is one of the happiest nights of my life There is also dramatic irony as the play was written in 1945, but set in 1912; Birling talks of the Titanic being unsinkable, no likelihood of wars and so forth. The audience already know that the Titanic had sunk and that two World Wars had previously occurred. This gives a more realistic feeling to the play as what Birling stated was true at the time the play was set. The climax is very much to the contrary. The entrance of the inspector is the point at which the tension rises. During the enquiry, the intensity increases dramatically. The authentic ending is sudden and comes to an end with suspense; the final phone call just tells the audience or reader that a real inspector is soon to arrive to investigate the suicide of a young girl. As the characters have begun to relax, the phone call is a great astonishment. This is traditional cliff-hanger which brings the play full circle; back to the beginning. The inspector approaches each character differently. As the investigation progresses, Goole uses more aggression, as Mrs Birling states, you seem to conducting it in a rather peculiar and offensive manner. The order of inspection is Mr Birling, Sheila, Gerald, Mrs Birling followed by Eric. The significance of this order, is that each character has more deceitful than the last; steadily increasing apprehension. When interrogating Mr Birling, he is calm and is straightforward. He seems to be letting Mr Birling remember everything, as to not put any words in to his mouth. His discussion with Birling is quite brief, but adequate information is revealed. Although the questioning of Birling is concise, as if to represent less significance, he does commence the downfall of Eva. With Sheila, again, the audience is shown how she contributed to the descend of Eva Smith. Although she isnt wholly responsible, she is fully involved. As Goole doesnt raise his voice or get disconcerted, he just establishes that Sheila is a jealous and cruel-hearted person. Also, Goole doesnt implicate her, as he does with each character; he lets them implicate themselves.  As the inspector moves on, he seems to get more affected by the whole situation and becomes inflamed. In Mrs Birlings case, this uproar is produced due to her denial of her responsibility and connection to the situation. As he interviews Gerald, he is still quite calm, but as more mysteries are revealed, the tension rises. As various people interfere, Goole does get slightly annoyed, (sharply) Come along Mr Croft. Goole seems to get emotionally involved as Gerald speaks of the fact the Eva is dead, (harshly)Yes, shes dead. As there are less interferences, the inspector calms down a little. Still, he doesnt imply anything or ask leading questions; he wants the characters to implicate themselves. Goole is quite patient, but again, when interrupted, he is easily annoyed. With Mrs Birling, Goole gets infuriated quite occasionally as she denies various accusations, Youre not telling me the truth. As Mrs Birling doesnt co-operate with Goole, or answer him with some respect, he speaks with sharp tones; (severely) Do you want me to tell you in plain words? As Mrs Birling begins to see her fault and involvement in the matter, she softens her tone, as does Goole. However, as Mrs Birling refuses to accept blame, Goole gets a bit more agitated. .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c , .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .postImageUrl , .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c , .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:hover , .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:visited , .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:active { border:0!important; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:active , .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc8db212208775805ef2910e86421d06c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sheila and Gerald EssayAs Erics interview is more detailed, there are more emotions present in the room. As things get heated, at the beginning of Act 3, Goole swiftly cools things down. To keep focused on matters, and to quicken the investigation, Goole tells Birling to be quiet, Dont start on that. I want to get on. Goole talks quite calmly as Eric doesnt deny truths and just tells of how he got involved with Eva. As matters get heated again later on, it is Goole again who calms the situation. To make sure that Eric understands fully his involvement, Goole states again how Eva died, and how each character helped to put her in her grave, and died a horrible deathBut each of you helped to kill her. Remember that. JB Priestley fits the ending efficiently in to the general structure. Unlike other authors, he uses more than one ending to deceive and confuse the audience, this keeps them engrossed. This creates sufficient tension and suspense in the atmosphere. At the instance the inspector departs from the Birling household, there is a climax of tension between the characters and the audience. What makes the family reflect on their previous deeds, is when Goole states, you will have to learn in blood, fire and anguish. In other words, if people like the Birlings dont learn their lesson now, they will have to pay in blood. This is a shocking message to the Birlings, but it is also an opportunity to change their way and prevent any further ordeals. When the inspector departs, it is an anti-climax. This is referred to as an anti-climax, because the audience believe that after discovering the truth, the whole family has been let off easily and that it was just a test of conscience. This puzzles the spectators and gives them a slight shock as the true moral of the incident is revealed. The whole anti-climax division provides escalating tension and bewilderment, especially for the audience. This also gives the on-lookers time to reflect before the tension begins to rise again. The reason why Priestley doesnt finish the play at this point, is to let the audience acknowledge that the Birlings didnt get off lightly. This gives a tense ambience and provides a perfect cliffhanger ending. It serves a dramatic purpose and allows the on-lookers to reflect on the rest of the play; the moral and so forth. In the subsection of Act 3, the family reflect on their actions. The characters react in a dissimilar fashion after Goole disappears.  This shows the reader that a few of the family have learnt their lesson to sufficient extent. It seems to be the elder characters that have dismissed the lesson. The inspectors final speech seems to have caught the attention of the characters, making them regret their actions, but also to make them realise that they can still change for the better. Although there is a varied response from the characters, they all seem to have some confusion.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Al Pacino free essay sample

It is with great pleasure and reverence I present to you, Al Pacino. 2) Al Pacino was born on April 25, 1940 in Manhattan, New York. 1) When he was three years old, he and his mother moved to the South Bronx, which he claims as his hometown. 2) In 1966 he was granted admission to the prestigious Actors Studio where he was taught by renowned actor and coach, Lee Strasburg. 3) The lessons paid off quickly for Al Pacino. 4) In 1967 he won an OBIE award (equivalent to an Off-Broadway Tony), and in 1968, he won a Tony award for â€Å"Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie†. ) In 1971, Al got a shot in a feature film called â€Å"The Panic in Needle Park† where he plays a junkie who gets trapped in the ups and downs of dealing heroin. 1) This performance led him into the role that would propel him to greatness, the role of Michael Corleone in The Godfather. 2) The network executives didn’t want Pacino to play the youngest son to Marlon Brando’s Vito Corleone, but at the insistence of Brando, and director Francis Ford Coppola, Al won the part. We will write a custom essay sample on Al Pacino or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) This was the first of four consecutive Oscar nominations, and eight total for his career. 2) After portraying a real New York City undercover detective in Serpico in 1973, and reprising his role as Michael Corleone in 1974’s The Godfather II, Al’s next role was a huge departure from his usual gritty, tough guy roles. 3) In 1975, Al starred as Sonny, a would be bank robber who needs money to get his boyfriend a sex change operation in the movie Dog Day Afternoon. 4) In 1979, Al plays attorney Arthur Kirkland in the movie,†¦and justice for all. Arthur is forced to defend a judge (whom he hates) in a rape trial. Arthur is torn between defending the judge (even though he knows he’s guilty), and human decency. 1) For the next few years, Al’s career had taken a downward turn. 1) Less than expected box office revenues from 1980’s Cruising and 1982’s Author! Author! left many in Hollywood to think the Al had lost his magic. In 1983, screenwriter Oliver Stone and Director Brian De Palma created a vehicle that would launch Al Pacino’s career into the stratosphere. Pacino’s portrayal of Cuban-born drug kingpin Tony Montana in the movie Scarface is legendary Performance was worthy of an Oscar nod, which he didn’t receive. Pacino did finally win his Oscar in 1992. For his spot on performance as retired Army Officer Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman, he won the award, Pacino has done several films since Scent of a Woman, constantly stretching the limits of his craft, and ever bit as masterful today as he was in his heyday of the 1970’s. Al Pacino approaching his 72nd birthday has not slowed down. He is still acting, but not as much for major studio productions, but doing more independent type films and the occasional work on the stage. From a poor kid growing up in the Bronx, to a legendary film icon, Al Pacino has never forgotten his roots, and still claims the Bronx as his home. From having to borrow bus fare to get to auditions, to writing his own ticket, the humble, charismatic star can look back on a career filled with hard work, natural talent and people who believed in him with pride.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sophistication Essays - Films, Willard, Loneliness, Free Essays

Sophistication Essays - Films, Willard, Loneliness, Free Essays Sophistication Sophistication, an intriguing story by Sherwood Anderson, is written about George Willard and his lonely journey into manhood. He is a small town boy from Ohio who is discouraged by the lack of direction in his life. When he reached the age of 18, he began to see himself as just another soul to live and die. Willard realizes that unless he does something to change the course that his life is taking, he will never be a great man in anyone's eyes. More than anything else, he needs someone to know what he was going through, and understand how he felt. There is a time in the life of every boy when he for the first time takes the backward view of life. Perhaps that is the moment when he crossed the line into manhood. I think this one sentence is the essence of what Anderson is trying to communicate throughout the story. As George Willard looks at his meaningless life and his bleak surroundings, fresh ideas, new ambitions, oppressing sorrows, and lonely thoughts play with his mind, trying desperately to overcome him. He likens the transition into sophistication to a deep mood that takes over. It sweeps over his whole being and completely encompasses all of his thoughts and actions. George Willard realizes and aches over the time limitations placed on his ambition. He knows death is inevitable and he is taunted by its gloomy calling. He intends to journey to a major city and get a job at a newspaper. He hopes that his feelings of immaturity will be erased by his importance there. Although it isn't much, it is vital to him that he finds something to be remembered and admired for. George Willard has an intense craving to be different than other men. He wants to amount to something more than every other small town farmer's son. He has a need to prove himself to everyone so that he is given the recognition that he feels he deserves. One of the reasons that he wants this so badly was because the woman that he understands most fully is out of his class division. She is a college student with wealthy parents. Although he isn't on the right ring of the social ladder, George cannot suppress his feelings for her. Anderson states that at the moment George Willard came into sophistication is when his mind turned to her. Helen White is the only woman he longs for. Helen is a beautiful girl with all the necessary attributes to find a good husband. However, her mother doesn't believe that anyone from a small town is good enough for her daughter. Suitors from other towns and cities are invited by her mother to visit. They intend for Helen to fall for one of the men that her parents find appropriate for her to be seen with. If George Willard never amounts to anything, then he will never be granted permission to court her. George Willard had never really talked to Helen with the intention of seeking her hand. The feelings that they have are unspoken. He is conscious of the long-lasting impression that she casts upon him and the dignity that she possesses. He is acutely aware of her graceful yet significant presence and he longs for her closeness. They both need the other to feel and understand the changes that are taking place within their souls and minds. In understanding each other, they join together to take the final step into adulthood. Their ability to sit and communicate without saying a word is a sure sign of growing up. Their thoughts have taken a transformation so that they now look at the world with a more knowledgeable and worldly view. George and Helen are changing and growing into sophisticated adults. At the same time, they are merely on the verge of adulthood and have an occasional tendency to slip back into the playful innocence of youth. They are caught somewhere in an animal-kind of world that only evolves with time. In the company of another adult who understands, loneliness is banished but somehow deepened at the same time. It is like a security blanket. George knows that she is there to

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Prisons as Total Intitutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prisons as Total Intitutions - Essay Example This process according to interpretations by Hassine and Abbott creates a subculture for the prisoners with behavioral ways, beliefs and values that though antisocial to the world outside are promoted and even rewarded within the institution of prison. The in-prison socialization helps in this adaptation process but will be severely damaging when the inmate is released to the real world society. Deprivation within the walls of the penitentiary in various forms causes loss of self-esteem in prisoners. It starts from the point of becoming an inmate. It is therefore desirable to introduce correctional policies to reduce the level of deprivation like allowing weekend leaves and conjugal visits as has been done to alleviate sexual deprivation. One way of reducing the prisonization is to involve the inmates in the management of the prison obviously excluding the administrative part. This will help in developing a reciprocal and balanced relationship of the prisoners with the prison administrators providing scope for mature handling of the situation. The real prisons do not, however, fully behave like a total institution of Goffman but in a manner demonstrated by Hassine and Abbott referring to the prisoners falling in line with the inmate sub

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Henry Fayol's Management Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Henry Fayol's Management Theories - Essay Example The principles act as guide to thinking, practice, and represent the sum total of management truths. Fayol further simplified the fourteen principles of management into five including planning, organising, controlling, commanding, and coordinating. According to Fayol, organisations need to plan, document and schedule all industrial processes. Planning helps in smooth running of an organisation, which needs capital, work force, and time. Production is a long process that needs forecasting of resources, to provide them as and when required by different departments. After planning, organising functions allows materials to get to the right departments on time. Fayol suggested that personnel need direction and guidance in their work to increase productivity. The commanding function of management helps carry out this function. Coordinating function makes certain that personnel work together towards a single goal. The final management function Fayol’s suggests is the controlling func tion where managers evaluate their subordinates work to ensure that it is in line with the given commands. Despite many criticisms, Fayol’s theories still form the basis of management practices and teachings in the 21st century. Principles of Management and Competitive Strategies: Using Fayol to Implement Porter is an article by Yoo, Lemak, and Choi. The paper presents the usefulness of Fayol’s principles of management to Michael Porter’s current competitive strategies. According to Yoo, Lemak, and Choi, â€Å"Fayol’s principles of management provided and continue to provide a general management perspective for practicing managers and an instructional tool for academicians teaching in the field of management† (Yoo, Lemak, and Choi 2006, p.353). The adaptability of Fayol’s principles of management is possible because he views management as flexible and adaptable to every need and change. Porter’s competitive strategies theory posit tha t businesses should put into serious consideration policies that enhance quality products to sell at high prices in the markets. Competitive advantage occurs when a company produces differentiated products that make consumers willing to pay higher for them. A company gains competitive advantage on acquiring resources and ideas that make it perform at a higher level. Additionally, a company can gain competitive advantage by supplying similar products in the market but at a lower cost. Michael Porter’s theory of competitive advantage is in use by many companies today who want to operate at a higher level than their competitors do. Some researchers have ignored the work of Porter arguing that it requires different resources, tactics, corporate cultures, and atmosphere to implement. However, a closer examination of Fayol’s principles reveals that some of them can be matched to Porter’s implementation framework. Research done by Waren et al proves that eight of the f ourteen principles by Fayol fit in well in the implementation of Porter’s cost strategy of competitive advantage. These include division of work, authority, responsibility, unity of command, unity of direction, scalar chain, stability of tenure of personnel, and initiative. Three of these that will fit in the differentiation strategy include stability of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Explain the role of the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause Essay

Explain the role of the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause regarding confessions - Essay Example A house refers to any structure that an individual’s uses as their residence. It may on a long-term basis such as a residential home or on a short-term basis such as a hotel. Other structures that are connected to a house such as a garage and a store also fall under this category in the Fourth Amendment but an open field that surrounds the house is out of this scope. Papers refer to an individual’s personal documents such as business records, diaries, letters, and certificates. On the other hand, effects refer to the other items that are not persons, houses, or papers. This may include weapons, contraband goods, clothing, and luggage. Almost all items fall under the Fourth Amendment but what is essential is the determination of whether their search or seizure is reasonable. In analyzing the role of the Fourth Amendment, it is critical to determine the police activities that trigger the protection of the Fourth Amendment. It is also essential to justify the reasons behind the police officers engaging in these activities. A search is referred to as an activity that is conducted with the intention of finding evidence to be used for criminal prosecution. When conducting a search, there should be concern whether the search is a product of a government action. There should also be concerns whether it violates the reasonable expectation of a person’s right to privacy. The term seizure usually refers to the keeping of custody of a property to be used as evidence in a criminal procedure. It commonly occurs because of a search. The Fourth Amendment focuses on the reasonableness of the search and seizures. It determines if the police were working along with its requirements. According to the Fourth Amendment, not every action of looking for evidence is referred to as a search. A search depends on who is looking for the evidence as well as where it occurs. Therefore, a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Modern Method Of Construction And Proposed Hotel Project Construction Essay

Modern Method Of Construction And Proposed Hotel Project Construction Essay Basically, this report contains two tasks starts with an introduction giving a background of the modern method of construction (MMC) and reflecting the aim and objectives of the Project. One part of the report involved: Review the history and development of modern method of construction Sustainable development and construction The improvement of construction performance by the MMC The justifications from part-1 are: There were numerous changes came to the construction industry after the MMC. MMC gives a wide range of benefits to construction industry The second part of report involved: The outline introduction of proposed hotel Comparison between the traditional and modern method of construction Conclusion with the case study The justifications from the part-2 are: To build a proposed hotel in Wolverhampton MMC is a better preferred method rather than going for a traditional method. This MMC gives better quality building with less onsite labour in a minimum time. Finally there would be conclusions on each section. In addition, the report consist content pages, references and Bibliography. Nothing can be accomplished without hard work so as a report on your hands, hence I really hope that the work I have done in this report will be a considerable work. INTRODUCTION Its true to say that there are many types of non-traditional method of construction in the UK than any other country in the world and also numerical types has been growing. Talking about modern method of construction, its all are better products and processes. By using this MMC, building developers aim to improve business efficiency, quality of building, buyers satisfaction, the performance of environmental, the sustainability time scale, delivery of time, etc. These Modern methods of construction could provide better quality building with less onsite labour in a minimum time. This report mainly talking about the method of MMC and their development in the UK construction industry compared with traditional construction. Furthermore the selections of method for specific proposed hotel which will be build in city centre of Wolverhampton. TASK01: Review the history and development of modern method of construction Introduction to MMC The MMC can be defined as those which give an efficient product management process to provide more products of good quality in a minimum time. It has been defined in a many ways which are pre-fabrication, off-site production and off-site manufacturing. The MMC can be classified for five categories Off site manufacture volumetric There are three dimensional methods produced in the factory, condition prior to transport to site. In this method the dwelling is pre fabricated at off- site then which are assembled on site. Off-site manufacture panellised The flat panel prepared at off- site then assembled on site to make a three dimensional structure. Services, windows, doors, internal finishes and external cladding may also be incorporated. Off-site manufactured-hybrid This method referred to semi-volumetric which are mixed with both volumetric and panellised approach. Off-site manufactured sub-assemblies and components Large element that can be included into both conventionally built or MMC dwelling. Non-site manufacture Using new ideas method of construction used on-site and use of element in an new ideas such as floor or roof cassettes, pre-cast concrete foundation building up, thin jointed blocks, etc. The history of MMC The United Kingdoms construction industry developed strong growth in recent years. UK construction industry is a trend setting construction industry well none for worldwide construction expertises. Approximately one and half million people employed in the construction industry and over 160,000 firms. UK construction industry growing with the infrastructure and the commercial construction sectors at the forefront of this trend. Ralph Morton. (2002) states the new forms of construction developed in response to new forms of demand and they transformed the face of Britain. In 1801 no town in Britain, with the exception of London, had a population of more than 100,000 people. Fifty years later there had been a vast increase in the area of housing, London had grown to two and half million, Liverpool to 376 000, Manchester to 303 000. In the last decade procurement and practice of both public and private work has been subject of huge change. Several wrongs have identified the public and private sector clients dissatisfaction with the traditional approach within the industry. Poor quality, over budget and late completion also has been increased problem in construction industry. For ex: Scottish parliament building in Edinburgh Initial budget-4o million Final cost-430million and 20 months late. The 1st step was taken in1994, Sir Michal Latham reported to the construction industry. Now the constructing best practice developed and developing with the support of Lathams and Eagans reports. These report led to best value, best practice achieving excellence in construction and new procurement routes and mainly focused in delivering value for money deliver project to time , quality and cost. Introduction to Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction Sustainable development is the process by which we move towards sustainability. Sustainable development focuses on improving the quality of life for all without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely. As defined in The Brundtland Report (1987): Within the UK construction industry, the concept of sustainable construction has emerged because of growing concerns on the environmental and social impacts created by the construction activities. By definition, sustainable construction is (Khalfan, M.M.A., 2002: 15): The creation and responsible management of healthy built environment based on resources efficient and ecological principles In 2004, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has registered more than 170,000 private construction contractors working in the UK and 93% of these companies employed less than 8 people (DTI, 2004). The Triple Bottom Line of Sustainable Construction As a whole, sustainable development or sustainable construction comprises of three broad themes of social, environmental and economic accountability, often known as the triple bottom line. The objectives of these three themes are (Constructing Excellence, 2004): Social To recognise the needs of everyone impacted by construction, from inception of a project to demolition. The list will include construction site workers, local communities, the supply chain and people that will use the finished product. Environmental To protect the environment from the impact of emissions, effluent and waste and where possible, to enhance it and use natural resources, carefully. Economic To increase profitability by making efficient use of resources, which includes labour, materials, energy and water. Figure 5: The Three Themes of Sustainable Development (Source: Khalfan, M.A.A., 2002: Figure 2) Sustainable construction takes account of these objectives in a balance at all stages of a construction project. However, within the context of this research, emphasis will be given the environmental aspect of sustainable construction, at production/construction phase. The improvement of construction performance by the MMC The MMC gives a wide range of benefits to construction industry. This includes a range of technologies and processes. By using MMC construction industry can benefit from: Reduced construction time The MMC can provide new construction facilities in less than half the time required for traditional construction. Reduced on-site activity MMC techniques require less time on site. This can be in the order of 20% of the time required using traditional methods. Reduced on site disruption As a many of construction work carry out off-site, the impact to the existing site is significantly low. In comparison to traditional construction, there is a reduction in noise, dust, and light pollution and the site will also benefit from less vehicle movements. As a result, the construction is able to carry on its operation with minimum disruption to the daily activities. Reduced health and safety risk Most construction work at the off-site therefore risk will be reduced for the workers and also for third parties. Improved quality control This construction makes higher degree of quality assurance. Both contractor and client could able to prove the building before the installation. Reduced force on on-site parking Minimum time required on-site for construction so reduced in need for parking. These are the major issue on many construction sites during the major development. The majority of construction related traffic is directed to the factory, causing less impact on the construction site. Increasing site utilisation Many construction sites are struggle to accommodate much needed new facilities. The nature of construction enables to provide facilities in many challenging locations such as over rooftops, on gantry style support structures and in enclosed courtyards. Overcoming skill shortage Cost-effective Predictable construction progress Reduced waste Fast and precise Speed up housing creation Maintain high standards of design quality Minimum resource consumption Makes use of more effective materials Less period of investment to the client The background to change has been: The apparent failure of the industry to satisfy the perceived needs of its customers, particularly in the way it organises and executes projects Changes in society towards greater openness and accountability, greater efficiency, effectiveness and economy Changes in IT and technology Growth in construction professionals Change in culture of working practices Spectacular failures of high profile, high value projects Recent reports into the state of the industry: Accelerating Change (Rethinking Construction, 2002) Government intervention in construction through privatisation philosophies e.g. compulsory competitive tendering, European legislation, PFI Pressure groups forcing through changes i.e. Clients wanting single point responsibility Impact of quality assurance systems which have evolved into a desire to establish best practices in construction work Conclusion Sustainable construction has increasingly gain popularity in the construction industry. It has been recognised as the way forward to improve the performance of the construction industry in the UK. With regards to the construction activities, sustainable construction practices such as waste management, water conservation, energy efficiency, use and procurement of materials and protection of biodiversity, should be given higher priority by the construction team. Emphasis on these practices will benefit the contractors and the whole construction industry. Task: 02 The outline introduction of proposed hotel The hotel will be built in the city centre of Wolverhampton which is near to the railway station on a restricted area. Shape: rectangular Storeys: 10 Bed room: 16 Hotel and surrounding area The site is in a prominent gateway location, on a major arterial route into the city centre, very close to the railway station. Location factors Narrow width between Culwell Street and Lock Street Levels difference between Culwell Street and Lock Street Overshadowing and lack of outlook because of Wednesfield Road and Noise from traffic, railway line and station Carver blast zone Site bisected by public footpath Contamination This is a very significant and unique site in terms of its location, prominence and constraints. The appropriate uses for this site are limited and a viable alternative to the proposed student housing seems highly unlikely, particularly in the current economic climate. It is considered that the proposed high quality buildings on a very difficult yet prominent site will create a positive landmark that has the potential to substantially improve the image of the City and the scheme should be welcomed. The proposed use and buildings will generate a range of benefits identified above. Comparison between the traditional and modern method of construction Basically, talking about the traditional method of construction its very attractive and simple. Most of the people like to build their dream building in the traditional method. Even though when its compared with modern method it has some disadvantages. The proposed hotel of comparison between both methods given by below. In the context of the construction industry, many of professionals would acknowledge that successful construction projects are often attributed to those that achieve the clients requirements and project objectives set out at the outset of the project. Such objectives may include delivery within the stipulated TIME period, construct within the budgeted COST and meet the QUALITY standard set. Other objectives, equally important, may include meeting functional requirements and satisfaction of the clients. 01) Cost: Clients have been increasingly concerned with the overall profitability of projects and the accountability of projects generally. Cost overruns, in association with project delays, are frequently identified as one of the principal factors leading to the high cost of construction (Charles and Andrew, 1990). In the hotel project, MMC leads to more effective than the traditional method. The MMC will help to ensure cost certainly. Construction time By using of MMC Builders could provide proposed hotel in less than half the time required for traditional construction. So this could help to the client earlier return of money. Site labour requirement In the MMC, most of the working process will carry out at off-site. Therefore all of the project members will be working together to maximise the output, in turn reducing the work required on site compared with traditional method. This implies the construction cost will be saved at all the stages. Professional fees The standard design details used for MMC therefore hotel will be simplify and minimise the need for specialist design input. Waste Site installation of the MMC is rapid and quiet operation this can be done just in time without site storage requirement. On the other hand the delivery of huge amount of materials will be reduced so that waste and also cost will be reduce by using MMC against the traditional method. Return of investment MMC technique has minimum time on-site because most of building element constructs using pre-fabricates elements, off-site production and off-site manufacturing. This could be in order of 20% time required compared with traditional method, again fast return of investment to the client. 02) Quality: To the client, quality may be defined as one of the components that contributes to value for money (Flanagan and Tate, 1997). Vincent and Joel (1995) define total quality management as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the integration of all functions and processes within an organisation in order to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services. The goal is customer Satisfaction. Furthermore, in order to achieve successful project quality management three separate drivers to quality management must be managed, namely: Integration of the project team so as to have a single objective and a common culture A customer focus for the team thereby facilitating the provision of products and services that will meet the clients needs A process of continuous improvement in the management of the construction project. MMC can deliver the hotel as good quality as much techniques providing under the durability. It makes possible a far higher degree of the quality control than a traditional construction project because of the factory controlled environment in terms of pre-assembled units. The hotel of both contractor and client can prove the building before installation on site. Using MMC hotel could ensure majority of internal fitting and mechanical and electrical installations with the good quality control and protecting against the weather damage and delays during the construction. 03) Speed Speed completion of a construction project is frequently seen as a major criterion of project success by clients, contractors and consultants alike. Newcombe et al. (1990) note that there has been universal criticism of the failure of the construction industry to deliver projects in a timely way. NEDO (1983) states that a disciplined management effort is needed to complete a construction project on time, and that this concerted management effort will help to control both costs and quality. This is tantamount to saying that the clients objectives can be achieved through a management effort that recognises the interdependence of time, cost and quality. Time MMC technique requires minimum time on-site because hotel construction going to be built using pre-fabricates elements, off-site production and off-site manufacturing. This could be in order of 20% time required compared with traditional method. This time saving implies: The site productivity will be increased and also speed. Earlier return of investment of hotel for the client Site preliminaries could be reduced as 8% to 15 of the total construction cost. Reduced in on-site labour requirement to less than a quarter. The standard design will be used in the project. Therefore this MMC could make better use of scarce and minimise in total development time with regard to maximum speed. 04) Risk In the last 25 years over 2,800 people have died by injuries as a result of construction process in Britain. Today health and safety conditions have been improved by the construction professionals. Many of contractors are seeking for improve safety on site for its employees and also subcontractors. The location of hotel project is close to the rail way station and also restricted area. The risk should be considerable mainly at the working site. The major benefit of using MMC in the hotel project, the health and safety risk involved minimised due to following factors: Off-site manufacture: Many of the construction and fit out of the hotel will take place in a controlled factory environment where is not affected by the weather condition. The multi story of hotel will be constructed at ground level minimising risks from working at height. Safety measures could be strictly imposed and simple to supervise. Modern installation: Once the installation delivered to site, a fit out modern building requires fewer contractors, far smaller no of deliveries, less construction compound and overall minimises the disruption to the hotel surrounding environment. All of these things reduce the health and safety risk. When compared to traditional method, overall the complete construction process could be 60% of the total time of traditional method, again reducing probability of incident. Disruption: The installation to the hotel will take place off-site. It has fewer people will be around and cause less disruption to the site area. The less period on site also exposes hotel staff and public to minimise risks. The reduced working progress on site will reduce exposure to risks both for construction workers and the public, again MMC makes much safer from construction. 05) Design integration: In the MMC the design integration must be considered early and also economy of scale could be achieved through the design. Once it compared to traditional method the MMC has more preferred method when design integration considered. The following key points are consist benefits of MMC compared to traditional. At off-site manufacture hotel building gives a pre-assembled unit life spans could vary from 25 to 60 year design life by using frame type and specification employed. The frame going to be used in the construction of hotel, which benefit from void at roof level allowing easy to re-routing of mechanical and electrical services. During the life cycle of the hotel, floor could be reconfigured with the mechanical and electrical services simply suit in the service void. The hotel could be relocated en masse to another site, and it will be used for the same purpose where it was originally constructed or re-configured for a different requirement. In the MMC, most of the hotel structure will be built using steel. This gives very efficient as a structural material and relatively small quantity of steel accomplishes spans of high-load bearing capacity and also it has less in weight so it can be handled easily on site. Conclusion: MMC offers considerable offers to the developers or builders in term of fast of construction, ability to pre-plan the construction work and minimised call-backs. Its providing hotel building offers sustainability in the honest way that traditional construction will never be able to match. Even though this MMC still facing some barriers which are poor understanding, poor courage, poor acuity, poor agreement for products, poor skills and cost perception. So in this hotel construction its essential that these obstacle both by client and project team members. Case study 01: Hotel, Granada Travelodge, London This project contains 64 bed rooms building with underground parking facilities. It was built by the steel frame with the support of MMC. It has five story building and space for public on the ground floor. Building includes bar for breakfast and different lifts facilities. The benefits arisen from MMC in this project were: Maintained better finished quality Site production and preparation was done in same time with factory production, therefore less disruption for existing business and environment. There was a cost effective for 5 storey building. Hotel was built within 27 weeks, more of this winter moths also included. The all manufacture cost was reduced by 35% Extra revenue, as early completion of the building was brought additional  £179,000 income for the client. Case study 02: Barling court, stockwell, London This project contains 8 apartments with the bed room facilities. This apartment originally were manufactured in Krakow and transferred to sites. No of apartments-08 Project cost- £700,000 Construction type- Modern Reduction in site labour-75% Reduction in commercial vehicle movement-40% Reduction in waste-70% From these case studies Again these case studies give a better preferred method is MMC Its a preferred method of proving hotel as proposed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Country Armenia :: History

My Country Armenia Everybody loves to go to different places.On weekends people enjoy going out of town.I like to visit my country Armenia. You and your freinds are going to take a trip to Armenia. Armenia is a small European country that was part of the Soviet Union. However, you will have to make some preparations and do some research so as to make the best of use of your time and money.So, my country Armenia has a lot of interesting and attractive places to visit for tourist. Now I want to introduce some of the beautiful places in my country Armenia. They are Yerevan, Echmiadzin and Lake Sevan. One fantastic place to visit in my country is Yerevan. Yerevan, the capital of Armenia is a big and beautiful city. It has a population of about one million people; also, it is a mixture of ancient old, and new. Yerevan was built on tragedy and dreams. The heart of Yerevan of the city is Republic Square. In the centre of the square towering over it stands a magnificent building. It houses the Museum of History of Armenia and the National Art Gallery. They are all built in the style of national architecture. In front of the National Gallery there is a beautiful fountain where the townspeople like to walk in hot summer evenings. This fountain is continued by a series of fountains in the park across the square. Also, Republic Square is the hub of major avenue and streets. The city is climb to the top of the hills, you will see a sweeping panorama. One of them is the Swallow's Fortress park. In the same park you can see the pride of the townspeople-Sports and Concert gall that graces the hill. It is a modern construction latest in architecture. Moreover, the cultural centre of the city is Theatre square on the site of which Opera-House is located. It is an impressive building with a beautiful collonade. The Opera-House overlooks a green are of parks, too. In one of the parks of Yerevan in a quiet corner is the Pantheon of the distingnished people of Armenia. In addition, Yerevan is a city of students. There are more than 20 higher educational institutions. Above all, Yerevan is a very hospitable city. Nowhere in the world you find such traditions of receiving guests as in Transcaucasia. Another fantastic place to visit in my country Armenia is Echmiadzin.